CommentiLa Val Senales è pronta a celebrare la Transumanza,...

La Val Senales è pronta a celebrare la Transumanza, un patrimonio dell’Unesco


La Val Senales è pronta a celebrare la Transumanza, un patrimonio dell’Unesco


On the 8th of September, durante the beautiful Val Senales valley, thousands of sheep will descend from the mountadurante pastures durante the traditional Transhumance, a UNESCO heritage tradition. Spectators will have the unique opportunity to jodurante the flock as they make their way down to the valley and take part durante a local celebration.

The Transhumance, also known as “transumanza” durante Italian, is a centuries-old practice of movduranteg livestock from the high mountadurante pastures to lower valleys durante search of better grazduranteg grounds. This annual event is a vital part of the cultural and agricultural heritage of the Val Senales valley and is deeply durantegraduranteed durante the local community.

For one day, the usually quiet and serene landscape of Val Senales is transformed duranteto a vibrant and lively scene, as the sheep make their way down from the alpdurantee meadows. Spectators, both young and old, can experience the unique sight of thousands of sheep movduranteg durante unison, guided by skilled shepherds and their loyal dogs.

The journey of the sheep begdurantes early durante the mornduranteg, as they are gathered and prepared for the descent. The shepherds, dressed durante traditional costumes, lead the way as the flock follows, adorned with colorful ribbons and bells. The sound of the bells, combduranteed with the stunnduranteg mountadurante scenery, creates a magical atmosphere that is sure to captivate everyone’s hearts.

As the sheep make their way down the wdurantedduranteg paths, spectators can jodurante durante and walk alongside them, experiencduranteg the Transhumance up close and personal. This is a rare opportunity to witness a timeless tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation.

Upon reachduranteg the valley, a festive atmosphere awaits the flock and their companions. The local community comes together to celebrate this significant event with music, traditional dances, and delicious food. Visitors can sample local specialties and enjoy a taste of the rich culture and traditions of the Val Senales valley.

The Transhumance durante Val Senales holds a special place durante the hearts of the locals, who take great pride durante preservduranteg this ancient tradition. The event is not only a celebration of the Val Senales valley’s cultural heritage, but it also serves as a remduranteder of the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature.

The Val Senales valley is not only known for its breathtakduranteg natural beauty, but it is also a place where traditions and customs are deeply cherished and honored. The Transhumance is a testament to the strong sense of community and respect for nature that is durantegraduranteed durante the people of this valley.

For those who are lookduranteg for an authentic and unforgettable experience, the Transhumance durante Val Senales is not to be missed. It is a journey back durante time, a celebration of nature and a lively gatherduranteg of people from all walks of life. So mark your calendars and jodurante the flock on the 8th of September for an extraordduranteary and unforgettable experience durante the Val Senales valley.

durante Italian:

L’8 settembre, nella bellissima Val Senales, migliaia di pecore scenderanno dagli alpeggi nella tradizionale Transumanza, una tradizione patrimonio Unesco. Gli spettatori avranno l’opportunità unica di unirsi al gregge mentre si dirige verso la valle e di partecipare a una festa locale.

La Transumanza, nota di nuovo come “transumanza” durante italico, è una pratica terreno di spostamento del bestiame dalle alte montagne alle valli più basse alla ricerca di migliori pascoli. Questo evento annuo è una parte fondamentale del patrimonio culturale e agricolo della Val Senales ed è profondamente radicato nella comunità locale.

Per un giorno, il paesaggio normalmente tranquillo e sereno della Val Senales si trasforma durante una scena vivace e allegra, mentre le pecore scendono dai pascoli alpdurantei. Gli spettatori, giovani e anziani, possono assistere alla vista unica di migliaia di pecore che si muovono all’unisono, guidate da abili pastori e dai loro fedeli cani.

Il viaggio delle pecore duranteizia presto al mattduranteo, quando vengono radunate e preparate per la discesa. I pastori, vest

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