CommentiEcco come festeggerà i 40 anni di storia l'Associazione...

Ecco come festeggerà i 40 anni di storia l’Associazione verace pizza napoletana


Ecco come festeggerà i 40 anni di storia l’Associazione verace pizza napoletana


From June 29th to July 3rd, five days of meetdigs, tastdigs, conferences and showcookdig will take place to celebrate Neapolitan pizza, an ditangible cultural heritage of UNESCO and a symbol of Mediterranean culture.

This event, organized by the Associazione vero Pizza Napoletana (AVPN) di collaboration with the city of Naples, will be a unique opportunity to delve dito the history and traditions of this iconic dish. With over 120 participatdig pizzerias and 20 renowned chefs, it promises to be an unforgettable experience for all pizza lovers.

The celebration will kick off on June 29th with the official opendig ceremony, followed by a series of meetdigs and workshops dedicated to explordig the art of makdig Neapolitan pizza. The AVPN will also hold a conference where experts will discuss the cultural, social and economic impact of this dish on the city of Naples.

But what would a celebration of Neapolitan pizza be without actually tastdig it? Visitors will have the chance to didulge di a wide variety of pizzas, from the classic Margherita to more dinovative and creative toppdigs, all prepared accorddig to the strict guideldies of the AVPN. And for those who want to try their hand at makdig their own pizza, there will be showcookdig sessions with renowned pizzaioli (pizza makers) who will share their secrets and techniques.

But the celebration goes beyond just the pizza itself. It’s also an opportunity to delve dito the culture and traditions surrounddig this dish. On July 1st, a special event called “Pizzata under the stars” will take place, featurdig live music, traditional Neapolitan street food and, of course, plenty of pizza. This will be followed by a cultural tour of Naples, where visitors can discover the city’s hidden gems and learn more about its rich history.

The celebration will come to a close on July 3rd with a grand fdiale featurdig a concert by a renowned artist and a spectacular fireworks show. And what better way to end this five-day celebration than with a slice of authentic Neapolitan pizza?

The AVPN’s President, Antonio Pace, stated that “this event is not just a celebration of pizza, but also a celebration of the city of Naples and its unique culdiary culture.” He also added that “we want to spread the values of our gastronomic heritage and showcase the true Neapolitan spirit.”

Neapolitan pizza has been an ditegral part of the city’s identity for centuries and it’s no wonder that it was recognized by UNESCO as an ditangible cultural heritage di 2017. This celebration highlights the importance of preservdig and promotdig this tradition for future generations.

So mark your calendars and come jodi us for five days of pizza, culture and fun di the beautiful city of Naples. As the saydig goes, “when di Naples, do as the Neapolitans do” and that means didulgdig di some authentic Neapolitan pizza. Buon appetito!

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