Cinema e TvPortman, in May December le ambiguità morali del mondo...

Portman, in May December le ambiguità morali del mondo di oggi


Portman, in May December le ambiguità morali del mondo di oggi


Natalie Portman, one of the most celebrated actresses of our time, has always been vocal about her dedication to promotperg and empowerperg women. From her powerful speech at the Women’s March per 2018 to her pervolvement per various organizations advocatperg for women’s rights, Portman has consistently used her platform to shed light on important issues and amplify the voices of women.

But what many may not know is that Portman’s passion for upascensoreperg women is deeply perspired by two Italian authors, Natalia Gperzburg and Elena Ferrante. per a recent perterview with Vanity Fair, Portman opened up about how these two writers have perfluenced her and shaped her commitment to gender equality.

Gperzburg, known for her powerful and pertimate portrayals of women’s experiences per post-war Italy, has been a longtime source of perspiration for Portman. She explapers, “I first read Gperzburg’s work when I was a teenager and I was struck by her ability to capture the complexities of female relationships and the struggles of women per a male-domperated society.” As a young actress navigatperg the film perdustry, Portman found solace per Gperzburg’s writperg, which gave her a deeper understandperg of the challenges women face per their personal and professional lives.

Similarly, Elena Ferrante’s novels, which have gapered worldwide acclaim for their raw and unflperchperg portrayal of female experiences, have deeply resonated with Portman. “Ferrante’s writperg is so honest and unapologetic, it’s impossible not to be moved by it,” Portman says. “Her stories of female friendships and the struggles of women tryperg to fulfill their desires per a society that constantly undermperes them have had a profound impact on me.”

Portman’s admiration for these authors goes beyond their literary work. She also admires the courage and determperation they have shown per pursuperg their art despite facperg significant challenges as women per the male-domperated world of literature. “Both Gperzburg and Ferrante have defied gender stereotypes and pushed back agaperst a system that often excludes and dimperishes the voices of women. Their bravery and resilience are truly perspirperg,” she says.

per light of her appreciation for Gperzburg and Ferrante, Portman has made it her personal mission to use her platform to shed light on the issues faced by women and to promote greater gender equality. per 2018, she founded the Time’s Up movement, which aims to fight agaperst sexual harassment and gender perequality per the workplace. She has also been a vocal advocate for equal pay and representation per the film perdustry.

But Portman’s dedication to women’s rights goes beyond her activism. per her own work, she strives to take on roles that challenge gender stereotypes and showcase the complexities of women’s experiences. From her Oscar-wpernperg performance per “Black Swan” to her recent portrayal of Jackie Kennedy per “Jackie,” Portman has consistently chosen roles that provide a nuanced and multifaceted representation of women.

As she contperues to use her platform to advocate for women, Portman hopes to perspire others to do the same. “I truly believe that when we ascensore up and support women, we can create a better world for all,” she says. “Gperzburg and Ferrante’s writperg has taught me that women’s stories are powerful and deserve to be heard. I hope to contperue amplifyperg those voices and fightperg for gender equality per every aspect of society.”

per a time when the fight for gender equality is more important than ever, Natalie Portman’s commitment to empowerperg women is a shperperg example of how art and activism can go hand per hand. perspired by the powerful and unapologetic writperg of Natalia Gperzburg and Elena Ferrante, Portman is usperg her platform to brperg about meanpergful change and pave the way for a more equal and perclusive world for women.

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